News 2023
The 2024 Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Annual Meeting be held on Thursday–Friday, November 7-8, 2024.
Slide Set 41 from the 2022 Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Annual Meeting is available in the Member's Area.
Please visit our LinkedIn page.
December 2023

Juan I. Soto was a member of the Technical Committee for the 4th EAGE Eastern Mediterranean Workshop. The meeting was in Athens in December 4-6, 2023. More information about the event can be seen here.
New publication:
Tim P. Dooley, Martin P. A. Jackson, Michael R. Hudec; Growth and evolution of salt canopies on a salt-detached slope: Insights from physical models. AAPG Bulletin 2023; 107 (12): 2053–2089. doi:
November 2023

Click here for a pdf of photos from the meeting.
110 delegates from 19 AGL member companies attended the 35th AGL Annual Review Meeting, held on November 9–10, 2023. Delegates were treated to 22 presentations from AGL scientists and collaborators: Lawrence Amy, Maria-Luisa Arboleya, Gillian Apps, Asmae Benarchid, Sasha Brune, Hala Chebli, Donald Clarke, Tim Dooley, Xuesong Ding, Oliver Duffy, Ivan Fabuel-Perez, Naiara Fernandez, Tarek Galhom, Rob Gawthorpe, Kate Giles, Jaouad Guezal, Maxime Guillois, Clement Hardy, Katja Hasner, Mahdi Heidari, Mike Hudec, Umut Isikalp, Chris Jackson, Maria Carrión Jiménez, Kai Li, Mar Moragas, Lorena Moscardelli, Maria Nikolinakou, Frank Peel, Agathe C. Ripoll, Nur Schuba, Stefaan Van Simaeys, Juan Soto, Stan Stanbrook, Michael A. Sullivan, Antonio Teixell, A. Kurt Tollestrup, Zhichen Wang, Christopher Willacy, and Jinyu Zhang.
July 2023
Juan I. Soto was invited by ExxonMobil to conduct a two-days workshop in their offices in London, to present our progresses in studying mobile shales and to discuss the interactions between salt and shales in the Eastern Mediterranean.
June 2023
New Publication:
Zhang, J., Moscardelli, L., Dooley, T. P., and Schuba, N., 2023, Halokinetic induced topographic controls on sediment routing in salt-bearing basins: a combined physical and numerical modeling approach: GSA Today, v. 33, no. 6, p. 4–9,

Joan Flinch and Juan Soto, presented an oral presentation in the 2023 EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition (Vienna, Austria; 5-8 June 2023). They summarized the salt-tectonic structures and evolution of a large salt canopy in the W Betics (Spain), titled "Salt-tectonic structures associated with the western Betic Cordillera Canopy (Spain)".

New Publication:
Juan I. Soto and Michael R. Hudec, Mud volcanoes guided by thrusting in compressional settings, Geology, v. 51, doi: 10.1130/G51235.1,
Juan Soto is a member of the committee to evaluate the PhD thesis of Louis Hauvette from the Université de Fribourg (Switzerland). The thesis is titled, "Tectonics of the western north Alpine foreland, based on seismic interpretation of the Greater Geneva Basin". Louis's supervisors are Jon Mosar and Anna Sommaruga. The defense is scheduled for June 5, 2023.
May 2023

Mike Hudec was part of a group of BEG researchers that met with representatives of Sinopec in Austin on May 11. During the visit, Mike confirmed plans for #agl representatives to visit Sinopec's offices in Beijing in January, 2024.
April 2023

Mike Hudec visited Bergen, Norway on April 24-28. While there, Mike spent most of his time working with Mar Moragas, Umut Isikalp, and Tarek Galhom on the #Zechtec project, investigating salt tectonics in the central North Sea. Mike also spent a day with Ritske Huismans and Leo Pichel, looking at crustal models for passive-margin salt basins.

Mike Hudec visited Stavanger on April 20, to discuss salt tectonics in the North Sea with Aker BP. The visit is part of AGL's efforts to expand our research into the region. #AGL

Mike Hudec was in Oslo, Norway on April 17-19, discussing salt tectonics in the North Sea and West Africa with Harbour Energy and Equinor. #AGL

Introducing: The new AGL YouTube site! Follow the link to see a series of never-before-published movies from Tim Dooley's salt-sheet suture models, along with our recent "Welcome to AGL" webinar.

Mike Hudec visited Vienna, Austria on April 11-12. While there, he visited OMV to discuss membership in the #AGL consortium. He also met with Tetiana Fedchenko at the University of Vienna to discuss possible joint research in the Dnieper-Donets basin, Ukraine.

New publication:
Tari, G., Connors, C., Flinch, J., Granath, J., Pace, P., Sobornov, K., and Soto, J.I., 2023: Negative structural inversion: an overview. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 152, 106223,

On April 3, Mike Hudec visited Harbour Energy in London, to discuss salt tectonics in the North Sea.
March 2023

Dr. Frank J. Peel's AAPG Distinguished Lecture titled, "A Lost World Rediscovered: 3D Seismic Data Reveal Spectacular Images of a Jurassic Landscape on the Eve of Louann Salt Deposition in the Gulf of Mexico, with Implications for Salt Deposition" has been posted online. Please click here to view it.
February 2023

We are promoting a special volume on Mobile Shales in the journal Interpretation.
The deadline for manuscript submission is December 1, 2023, with final decisions scheduled for April 2024. The special issue will be published in August 2024.
Submission information can be found at here.
Special-section editors are:
Juan I. Soto, Dallas Dunlap, Mike Hudec, Chris Morley, Mark Tingay, and Lesli Wood

On February 6-9, 2023 over 90 delegates attended a "Reshowing of the 2022 AGL Annual Meeting" via Zoom. All recorded talks from the live event in November 2022 were shown and the lead author(s) were on the stream to answer questions afterwards. The meeting was scheduled to allow member companies in the European, Asian, and Australian time zones to attend.
January 2023

Mike Hudec recently spent three days in beautiful Villahermosa, Mexico, working with Schlumberger. He taught a two-day short course in salt tectonics, followed by a day of consulting on Gulf of Mexico imaging projects.
#consulting #schlumberger #salttectonics

New publication:
Erdi, A., Jackson, C.A.-L., Soto, J.I., 2023, Extensional deformation of a shale-dominated delta: Tarakan Basin, offshore Indonesia, Basin Research, v. 35, no. 3, p. 1071–1101,